Guest... Kellie & her Marathon 26

Kellie & I have been on this marathon journey together. She also decided to dedicate her miles.  Kellie is my guest blogger today :)

Thank you Kellie for being an amazing friend and going on this journey with me! love you WunderUnder

My Marathon 26- By Kellie

1- Prayers and St. Sebastian: pray for us that we have the strength to finish this marathon
2- Dad
3- Mom
4- David
5- Tonka
6- Patrick: nephew that died from cancer
7- grandpa
8- granny
9- Nicole Sullivan: best friend at work
10- my softball girls
11-John Haaker: one of my students
12- Rebekah: sister
13- Kristen: cousin/bff
14- Grandma/Grandad
15- Kayla Holland: good friend
16- girls to have self esteem and believe in themselves and not depend so much on guys or depend on what others think about them
17- math
18- teaching and my teacher people
19- Love
20- always having HOPE
22- Crossfit : because it has trained me for this
23- fighting laziness in everyone, everyone improving their health with fitness
24- Kim Strickland
25- my running journey: from my first run attempt to a full marathon
26- my road trip buddies: Jenn, Regan and Markus... ❤love them and their support!
.2- This is for my Lulu!

Kellie killing it at the Zombie Run


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