Week 6 - Do Work!!

5x3 Clean Grip HALTING Deadlift 
*at knee cap have a tall chest and hold for 3 seconds before finishing.

Used 155# each for this
because it is an ackward moment!
Build to a 1RM Front Squat in 10 min
Just worked on my form because I had a little too much sun over the weekend and was very sunburned!

10x 30 sec row @ 90%, 30 sec row @ 50%

Greer WOD:
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
400 Meter Run
15 Front Squats 95#
4 full rounds - heavy and hot!! ugh!
3x AMRAP Handstand holds (rest 2 min)
35 second, 29 seconds, 33 seconds

3x AMRAP Push-ups (rest 2 min)
12, 9, 13

800m Run for time  @ high 3 mins... I messed up the timer running! Ugh!
 "Cindy" 11 rounds+5+9

5x3 Snatch Grip Push Press from Back…make sure to finish ACTIVE
65,85,95x2,90, 85

 3x10 GHD Sit-ups (rest 90 sec) - Was this for time!?!? It went by too fast, I didnt time! But I LOVE GHDs!!
_____ HSPU EMOM for 8 min…pick a number and try no fail.  = 5, I used bands and really worked on keeping everything tight and good form, full ROM

Greer WOD:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters @ 35#
30 Pullups

** I got a PR!! RX @ 10:59
3 sets, 2 min rest
10 UB Deadlift @160
20 Burpee
30 Box Jumps @ 20

OMG!! I actulaly only made one round of this!  I was dead!! exahusted!! Time for 1st & only round - 4:07

50 Knee to elbows no kip. NOT FOR TIME
1 mile run @ Z1 pace  - Time 9:47

5 Rounds
3 Deadlifts
Max Rep HSPU

this was not for time

1 - 200# / 5
2 - 225# / 5
3- 225# / 5
4- 225# / 5
5- 230# / 3  -- New 3 REP DEADLIFT PR FoR me!!!


100x OHS @ 45#
time - 11:13

2000m Row - 9:15


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