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How heavy is the Load?

  Just because someone carries it well, doesn’t mean it’s not heavy. 🔥  You know that person that has experienced massive amounts of stress & / or trauma in their lives, but just naturally wear it well, because they don’t know any better, don’t know what symptoms to look out for, have found their own coping mechanisms that are temporarily working, & don’t even know that there ARE more specific symptoms to look for.  That was me. Always happy. Never stressed. A-ok! On the outside at least...    Those of us in this category believe we are in the “4in5,” 100% mentally healthy group. We believe we are the ones who are not impacted. Nothing “major” in terms of symptoms has knocked us on our butt yet, we don’t identify with disorder labels, & we think nothing’s “wrong.” Functioning to what society sees.  From a physical health standpoint, how many look healthy on the outside – even FEEL healthy, & then suffer a heart attack or stroke? Plaque buil...

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