Additional CF Training Week 2 - Ending June 19, 2011

Ok, This week was a tad rough after being gone for 8 days to Hawaii!! We did WOD while we were there at CrossFit Oahu, but only once... We are home now and ready to set some goals, hit some PRs and just GBD!!

Day 1
____HSPU each min on the min for 15 min (you pick the number to do each minute and maybe a "scale" if needed. Goal is to NOT go to failure... )
7 HsPu with band...I really struggled. Mostly trying to keep my back straight and not arched

Day 2
3x3 Tall Split Jerk (get a barbell and take it to fore head, pause, drop under and land in split jerk lockout..stand)
You will focus on speed and footwork here, not heavier than 55lbs
Slowly build to a 1RM Split Jerk

Started at 55# x3 hard...
35# x 3 too easy
45# x 3
Got to my max split at 115#
I like this drill ...helps me get under it faster

Day 3
3x5 OHS @ 70% of 1RM

Used 75# all sets

10 Min handstand practice - I need more help with this! I freak out and breathe Too hard...haha

Day 4
30 sec @ 90% / 30 sec @ 50% x 15

I took a picture of my final results, but wasnt sure if you needed anything. This was good!

Day 5
(Pressx1, Push Press x 2, Split Jerk x 3) x 3 (rest 2 min)
Go as big as possible!!!

1 - 65#
2- 70#
3- 75# PR for my Shoulder Press!!

This is a few pictures from this weekend at Greenville Games Event #1 // I finishined 4th place in the girls and Regan 5th in the guys!


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