Commitment means consistency day in and day out!

Commitment means consistency day in and day out!!! 

The 2 pictures are about 8 weeks apart... the picture on the left, 20# heavier...I lacked strength and confidence to do a wall walk... I had chosen lazily to not do those in a LONG time as well as other body weight movements!!! The picture on the right - my face touches the wall in the wall walk easy... I then complete WODs with pull-ups & legit toes 2 bar!!! What?! Who am I?! 🤪
The journey is showing up every single day for yourself! Battling that internal conflict we have going on in our heads!!! Once we can get past that mental crap ... we can start building our strength on the outside!
Grateful for a coach that pushes me, challenges me to believe in myself and doesn’t accept my excuses @gj.lake
#latergram #builtbylake


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