It's Been A While.....

So, I my workouts have been random and crazy due to my work schedule and taking time off for the Garage Games Survival of the Fittest...

Over the past 2 weeks, here are some of my workouts & results

OHS 3-3-3-3-3

30 Snatches - Isabel
This was not for time, used 45# worked on form and techinique

CrossFit Games Masters Chipper
20 Wallballs 20/14
30 Toes to bar
40 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Burpees
60 Sumo Deadlift Highpull 75/55
For Time:
RX - 22:12

August 13 = CrossFit Reaction had an olympic lifting meet
Power Snatch - 95#
Clean & Jerk - Got 125#  - Attempted 135, but failed on my jerk

August 16 -
1600 Meter Run  - 9:03
Rest 3 Minutes
1200 Meter Run
Rest 2 Minutes
800 Meter Run
Rest 1 Minute
400 Meter Run
 ** total finish time was 29:58  -- the 1200m and 800m was rough!!!
Ran a SLOW 2nd mile to cool down at a time of 11:35

Shoulder Press
I used dumb bells
25# & 35#

AMRAP 10 Minutes:
3 Power Cleans (Heavy)
Every Minute on the Minute
Used 125# for these...OMG! They got heavy. I need to work on cathing my power cleans a tad lower than straight up.

Front Squats
165# is my current 3 rep PR

5 Rounds
30 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
10 Box Jumps 24/20
For Time:
Time - 16:20....... I felt super slow and my double unders sucked!!

5 Rounds
2 Minute Rounds
4 Deadlifts (Heavy)
Bar Burpees Max Reps.
WOD starts with 4 Deadlifts with time remaining as many Bar Burpees as possible…..
1 Minute Rest between Rounds
**Used 225# Deadlifts!
**burpees - 21, 14, 14, 13, 10

Friday with Fran
RX - 9:51
** nOt a PR, but under the 10 min mark! ha!!


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